Friday, March 20, 2009

Been a long time....

Since i've posted anything that is.... just haven't had time or the energy or anything kind of initiative to post anything.. need to get back in the game... lots has been going on.. had another child, separated from my husband, etc... so anyway, another post to come shortly.. not that i really have any readers out in blogland but who cares.. i get to vent this way :) and don't have to hassle any of my co-workers w/ drama in the process :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

In Loving Memory...

Today I lost a dear friend of mine. No it's not the average type of friend, but still a loyal friend nonetheless. My wonderful dog and companion Chloe had to be put down today. I noticed last night that she had chewed all of her fur off her hip and that she wouldn't get up. So, I had my husband check on her and he said he didn't think she would make it through the night. She was really mopey and wouldn't eat. She looked fine Monday to me. Needless to say, when he got home today she wasn't responsive and just laid there. The spot on her hip worse than before. He rushed her to the vet and was told that she had gone into Catastrophic Kidney Failure. Even if they flushed her veins and pumped her kidneys she only had a 30% chance to make it. It just sucks cause she was part of the family. I have had her for close to 6 years and she was my baby. I will always remember her and she will always have a special part of my heart. Sorry if this sounds stupid to anyone but she was part of the family and it's like losing someone that you have taken care of and cared for. SO, I wanted to give her a memorial on my blog and just vent and cry and let it all out. Sorry the post is a downer, but I had to write about her. I had to give her a place in my blog all her own.

So in Memory of my dear Chloe: Gone but will never be forgotten. November 2001-May 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oh boy.......or girl???!!!?

So, I was feeling under the weather last Wednesday through Friday and had to leave work early those days. It was weird cause I had the symptoms of a stomach virus but instead of being pale while feeling nauseous I was flushed and i mean bright red flushed. It dawned on me Thursday night that I was flushed when nauseous when I was pregnant with Nathan but surely this wasn't pregnancy...or was it? Me and the hubby have been trying for some time now but I never thought it would happen this quickly after pouring my heart out to the doctor that something might be wrong. So on my instincts I picked up a test at the local store and rushed home to take it Thursday night. No bells, or whistles or neon signs to alert me to what was going on..just a faint little plus sign!!!!!! Okay so I though but what if it is just a false positive. I went to the doctor yesterday and did a test there and she came back in the room carrying 3 packs of vitamins! I AM PREGNANT!!!! :) Only about 4 weeks and the only reason I know this soon is because of the sick issue last week and having a hunch. So anyway, i will probably be due around the end of January. I will have to post more later. I am super exhausted and just wanted to let everyone that reads this know!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My family, my trip, and lots of fun!!!

Okay so i redid this post after i found out the pics couldn't be seen hopefully they can be now.

Well, I now have pics of the puppies and as promised earlier these are clear!! Check out my two pooches--Roxie the Boxer and Chloe the Rott!!

Yesterday we went on a trip to Georgetown, SC to visit my aunt and uncle. We had a blast!! We walked on the boardwalk in downtown Georgetown and Nathan got to look at all the boats! Check out my little man

this is a "Pirate Ship" that gives tours of the waterway!! It is so cool in person!

I absolutely love historical places. Anyway, I have lost 12.5 lbs since March 26 and I feel so much better already! i am now in a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear when i bought them thanks to the 1" that I have lost in the waist!!! Well, that is enough for now So i hope everyone is doing okay and is havinga good weekend!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Good Times!!

Well I redid this post as well so that hopefully the pics will come thru this time :) enjoy

Well, my family and I had a wonderful Easter as I hope everyone else did! Check out little man before church!!!

Then we went to my mom's and had an egg hunt w/ my niece, nephew, brother, sis-in-law, and aunt.!!! Nathan had a blast...check him out!

On a better note I can finally download pics from my camera!!! Score one for me! Yeah! And on an even better note i have lost 11 lbs in 3 weeks on Weight Watchers. So that is going better than I thought it would. Hope everyone is doing well! Will have more is late right now!

Monday, April 02, 2007

4.5 Down...65.5 to go!!!

Just an update!!! I have lost 4.5 lbs since Wednesday! Just a start but hey it's a start. I am actually enjoying the diet... well Weight Watchers. I had a bowl of grapes and strawberries this morning w/ a cup of WW yogurt. And I am on my 2nd bottle of water already! Saturday I went out to eat and I had a grilled porkchop, w/ steamed veggies, and a baked potato w/ the butter on the side. I can't believe I am actually doing pretty good on this thing. Granted, if you are really big like me you usually lose a good bit the 1st week because of all the fluid but I am not letting that discourage me. Just happy that i have lost some. :)